Welcome to the Switch Skills Progression Series. This is Level 0: Setting Up for Success, which is the first in the series. This course is a precursor to the levels identified in Ian Bean's Switch Progression Road Map.
Welcome to the Switch Skills Progression Series. This is Level 1: Cause and Effect, which follows the previous Level 0: Setting Up for Success.
Welcome to the Switch Skills Progression Series. This is Level 2: Sequencing, which follows the previous levels starting with Level 0: Setting Up for Success, and Level 1: Cause and Effect.
Welcome to the Switch Skills Progression Series. This is Level 3: Attention and Timing, which follows the previous levels starting with Level 0: Setting Up for Success, Level 1: Cause and Effect, and Level 2: Sequential.
Welcome to the Switch Skills Progression Series. This is Level 4: Targeting & Timing, which follows the previous levels starting with Level 0: Setting Up for Success, Level 1: Cause & Effect, Level 2: Sequential, and Level 3: Attention & Timing.
Welcome to the Switch Skills Progression Series. This is Level 5: Introduce Choice, which follows the previous levels starting with Level 0: Setting Up for Success, Level 1: Cause & Effect, Level 2: Sequential, Level 3: Attention & Timing, and Level 4: Targeting and Timing.
Welcome to the Switch Skills Progression Series. This is Level 6: Choice Making, which follows the previous levels starting with Level 0: Setting Up for Success, Level 1: Cause & Effect, Level 2: Sequential, Level 3: Attention & Timing, Level 4: Targeting and Timing, and Level 5: Introduce Choice.
This Switch Skill Progression course focuses on implementation of the Level 0 and 1 switch access methods into academic activities to meet academic standards. This series focuses on coaching classroom staff on incorporating switches into academics.